



  1. 最初に「作者からの手紙」をお読みください。作品に込めた思いなどが、書かれています。
  2. 作品をダウンロードしてご試聴ください。なお、作品の著作権はすべて作曲家に帰属します。無断使用は厳禁です。ダウンロードボタンを押しても課金されませんのでご安心ください。
  3. 作品を気に入ったら「作者からの手紙」に書かれている方法のいずれかで、作曲者に直接ご寄付をお願いいたします。
  4. 私たちはあなたの善意を信じています。

AT HOME RECORD is a volunteer music label aimed at supporting musicians in COVID-19 related confusion. Please listen to the works and if you like it, please donate directly to the creator.


【How to use this site.】

  1. Please read "Letter from creator" first. The thoughts put into the album are written by the composer himself.
  2. Please download MP3 tracks and enjoy music. All copyrights of the works belong to the composer. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please be assured that you will not be charged even if you press the download button.
  3. If you like the album, please donate directly to the composer using one of the methods described in "Letter from the creator".
  4. We believe in your good intentions.


INTERNAL GARDEN  - Isao Ohashi-  AHR-1001 (2020年10月1日)

1.Pink Lotus/ピンクの蓮

2.White Jasmine/白のジャスミン

3.Blue Orchid/青の蘭

4.Red Frangipani/赤のフランジパニ


Isao Ohashi / 大橋いさお(E.Guitar)





In the end of long 'face myself' stay home days 2020, I decided to record this 'inner gardening experience' musically. Song titles are inspired by popular local flowers from west to east(India to Philippines). I have researched this area not only musically but also culturally and of course, instrumentally. Instruments used are Vietnamise guitar and Thai/Laotian phin guitar by local builders. You may also enjoy for deep sleep, work, exercise BGM as well.(Isao Ohashi)

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Letter from creator (in ENGLISH)
If you like this album, please donate to creator.
Letter from creator (In ENGLISH).jpg
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